It usually occurs "suddenly" and is widely feared: The stroke - eine Sudden circulatory disorder in the brainwhich often has far-reaching consequences for physical and mental health.
In most cases, a stroke triggered by a blood clotwhich is a Vessel in the brain blocked. This typically manifests itself in sudden paralysis, vision problems or speech disorders, sometimes also in severe headaches.
Most risk factors für einen Schlaganfall sind weithin bekannt - darunter high blood pressure, Sugar and fat metabolism disordersand Atrial fibrillationas well as Stress, Lack of exercise and the consumption of Nicotine and alcohol.
In this article we would like to give you another, often underestimated and overlooked risk factor for stroke: Sleep apnea.
In the case of sleep apnoea, the following occur repeatedly during sleep Breathing interruptions. This happens because the temporarily block the upper airways and thus interrupt breathing and the oxygen supply.
Breathing interruptions can over 100 times per night occur and in extreme cases over one minute last, but they are unnoticed in most cases. Although the lack of oxygen triggers a brief wake-up reaction each time, you usually don't remember it the next morning.
The Lack of oxygen causes inflammation in the body. These can damage the walls of the blood vessels and increase blood clotting. This increases the risk of Formation of blood clotswhich in turn is a Blocking blood vessels in the brain can. The risk of a stroke is increased.
In people who have suffered a stroke, the following is found very often a previously undetected sleep apnea. The severity of sleep apnea plays a decisive role in the occurrence of a stroke: The more frequently breathing stops occur, the greater the risk of strokeespecially in older people.
Who wants a Suffers a stroke and affected by sleep apnea at the same time often suffers from more serious consequences. Cognitive abilities and general performance are usually significantly more affected. Those affected must Longer hospital stays get through and spend More time in rehab.
Who in the past has already suffered a strokeit is recommended to check whether sleep apnea is present. Appropriate treatment can possibly contribute to this, prevent recurrent strokes. A third of all strokes occur in people who have already suffered a stroke.
Even those who have already transient ischemic attack (TIA) erlebt hat - ein sogenannter “Mini-Schlaganfall”, bei dem die typischen Schlaganfall-Symptome nach einigen Stunden von selbst wieder verschwinden ohne das Gehirn stärker zu schädigen - sollte to be on the safe side check your sleep apnea risk leave.
But also without previously recognizable signs of a stroke sleep apnea may be present. People with sleep apnea often already have silent cerebral infarctions, especially with severe sleep apnea.
To be on the safe side, the Risk of sleep apnea for example with the Snorefox app Very simple determined at home via smartphone can be used. The app analyzes nocturnal snoring and breathing noises and provides an objective assessment of the risk of sleep apnoea.
The Timely diagnosis and treatment of sleep apnea are of crucial importance, both for people who have already suffered a stroke and for those who have so far been spared.
The Snorefox app helps with thisto decide, whether medical help should be sought. If the app indicates a risk of sleep apnea, a visit to the sleep doctor is recommended, who can then initiate suitable treatment.
In people who had already suffered a stroke, a study showed evidence that the Treatment of sleep apnea with a CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) mask not only leads to a Improving the consequences of a stroke but also fewer new strokes and Fewer deaths can occur.
Even people who have not yet suffered a stroke should consider their own Know your sleep apnea risk as early as possible. Because If left untreated, sleep apnea increases not only directly the risk of strokebut can also trigger or increase other stroke risk factors, such as high blood pressure.
In addition to the treatment of any sleep apnea that may be present, a healthy lifestyle with less smoking, sufficient Movement and healthy nutrition reduce the risk of stroke.
Sleep apnea is often overlooked as a risk factorbut plays a significant role in increasing the risk of stroke.
The nocturnal breathing interruptions and the resulting lack of oxygen lead to inflammation, which damages the blood vessels and Promote the formation of blood clots. The more breathing interruptions occur, the higher the risk.
Both for Stroke sufferers as well as for people without previous signs of a stroke, it is advisable to use the Check sleep apnea risk. The Snorefox app, which can be used to carry out a risk analysis at home, can help with this.
The detection and treatment of sleep apnea after a stroke can potentially not only reduce the risk of recurrent strokesbut also promote recovery from the effects of a first stroke.
Note: This article is for information purposes only and does not replace medical advice. If you have persistent sleep problems or health concerns, you should consult a doctor.